About: Melanie

Recent Posts by Melanie

Are You Full Of Joy Or Stress This Holiday Season?

The holiday season is meant to be one of the most joyful times of the year, yet the reality seems to be the opposite… ….people often end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed. With lists a mile long and calendars stacked full of events, how does one stay centered and enjoy this time of year? The key is to stop long enough to check in with yourself. Pay attention to the signs that your body is...

Do You Have Healthy Emotions?

Do you over react to situations….. ….lose your temper easily, resent things that don’t go your way? Are your feelings hurt easily? Our emotions are a wonderful part of our experiences. They are the feeling side of life. Without our emotions, every experience would be the same. Our emotions are an automatic response…. ….that sometimes serves us and sometimes does not. Because our emotions are something we’re not always in control of, they are good...

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way

What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? What if I told you there’s a way to change how you feel and how you respond to people and situations that’s fast and easy ? Would you believe me? Look around at your friends, family members, colleagues……and of course yourself. How many people do you know that you’d say are truly happy? Not the “I can put a smile on my face and pretend...

Turning an Uncomfortable Conversation Around

We’ve been creating some presentations on rapport and all the ways it can benefit people, both personally and professionally. And of course, as life would have it, I had the opportunity to experience firsthand the positive impact that rapport can have…… My daughters attend a daycare where sadly the teachers don’t seem to enjoy their job at all. Without going into the details, I made the decision to give my notice. I was pulling them...

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