Category Archives: Workshops

Do You Have Healthy Emotions?

Do you over react to situations….. ….lose your temper easily, resent things that don’t go your way? Are your feelings hurt easily? Our emotions are a wonderful part of our experiences. They are the feeling side of life. Without our emotions, every experience would be the same. Our emotions are an automatic response…. ….that sometimes serves us and sometimes does not. Because our emotions are something we’re not always in control of, they are good...

I am amazing, I can do anything!

As I was heading into town for an interview…… ….I found myself reciting in my head one of the things we taught the girls at our Girl emPower workshop.  This workshop was for girls from 7-11 years old.  Our purpose for the workshop was to give the girls some tools to help them feel good about themselves, regardless of what was happening around them. As I was driving I noticed a few butterflies in the...
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