Category Archives: Inspirational

How To Get More Of What You Want

Communication is everything. There’s not much we can do without communicating with someone. And when communication isn’t flowing, it’s the pits. And it directly impacts our results in life, both personally and professionally. Do you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios? You are bursting with excitement and pick up the phone to call your best friend, and when you tell them, their response is disappointing. As you’re driving home from work you are thinking...

Everything In My Life Is So Good So Why Do I Feel So Bad!

My life is so good in so many ways….. ……and there are so many people so much worse off. Why can’t I shake off this feeling and enjoy my life? I am so lucky. I have so much……a place to call home, a family I love, great friends…….so why do I feel like this? Sound familiar? If you find yourself feeling this way, keep reading. Sometimes in life things looks great on the outside, but...

Are You Getting Nowhere Fast?

Do things look a little fuzzy at the moment?  Do you feel unsure of what’s next or where you’re headed? This seems to be a theme for many people right now.  We’re probably more aware of it than usual, because we’ve just come out of the fog and gained new clarity about our focus at Life Without Regrets.   It’s an amazing feeling to have that laser focus and clarity. The great thing about clarity is...

The Frog in Boiling Water

They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger. But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late. The temperature change is so gradual that frog is...
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