Category Archives: Inspirational

Become Unstuck Not Unglued

Being stuck can take on so many different forms….  Sometimes we can feel stuck in one area of our life when every other area is working perfectly (well almost perfectly).  And sometimes, we feel stuck in all areas of our life. We know something has to change, but we don’t know how to do it. How do you know you’re stuck? You don’t want to get out of bed because it feels like groundhog day...

I am amazing, I can do anything!

As I was heading into town for an interview…… ….I found myself reciting in my head one of the things we taught the girls at our Girl emPower workshop.  This workshop was for girls from 7-11 years old.  Our purpose for the workshop was to give the girls some tools to help them feel good about themselves, regardless of what was happening around them. As I was driving I noticed a few butterflies in the...

Sometimes We All Need a Little Guidance

I am always fascinated……. …….by the fact that I am teaching my daughters the very same things that we are teaching our clients on a daily basis. Similar issues and challenges come up, whether we are 9 or 49, they just look different depending on our age. Yesterday was a really exciting day for us. My daughter made it to the high jump track meet and she was the only girl from her school that...

Getting Through the Challenges – Bring it on Life!

Do you ever feel like you can’t take on one more challenge? Like life should give you a break……you’ve done your time? If so, we’ve got good news and “bad news” to share with you, that will hopefully shed new light on how you’re feeling. Here’s the good news Nowadays it seems like everyone is facing challenges. And the challenges seem to be different and more frequent than in previous generations.      You’re probably...
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